Scheduled maintenance : network firmware upgrade Saturday 10th April 2021 15:00:00

Estimated timeframe : 15:00-17:00

Actual timeframe : 14:59-17:40


Upgrade Core and selected network switches to the latest firmware




17:16 The network core stack consists of 4 switch members, to ascertain both bandwidth and resiliency. After the upgrade, one switch member (colocated in the iGent DC facility) has dropped out of the stack, decreasing resiliency ; this will be further investigated.

17:12 All targeted switches have been upgraded and are fully operational.

17:06 verifying internet routing

16:54 upgrading SW012 (iGent)

16:25 upgrading SW010 (UGentNet internet uplink)

16:14 upgrading SW121,SW124 (FSVM2 - Edge switches)

16:05 upgrading SW020 (FSVM2 - Distribution switch)

15:53 upgrading SW023 (FSVM1/V)

15:15 upgrading SW001 (Core)